• Feature: The query command now executes in the background, ensuring the interface remains unblocked.
  • Feature: Toggle for auto-completion and soft-wrap in Query view.
  • Improvement: Enhanced detection of Base64 encoding.
  • Improvement: Refined parsing of auto-complete keys and arguments.
  • Fixed: Issue where new items could not be saved to the draft list.
  • Fixed: Inconsistency where the expand button may not appear for nested tree nodes.
  • Fixed: Issue where the tree view could include virtual nodes when flattened.
  • Fixed: Cursor in the query view jumping when the selection changes.
  • Fixed: Application crash when renaming a starred key.
  • Fixed: The width of the value inspector fluctuates during editing.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Disabled coder selection in the hex view.
    • Disabled certain unsupported commands (e.g., monitor, pubsub) in the query view.